

Celebrating master engineer and virtuoso pianist Ralph Modjeski, strategically significant 20th century bridges in America and their impact on urban development and commerce during two eras of transit.
Riveting stories about record-breaking spans and their communities. Exploring the scientific mind and artistic soul of a Polish-born Paris-trained immigrant who contributed to the building of a modern America. Links between science and art, music and math, mother and son and Man’s ability to challenge himself.



"...The film also highlights a time when infrastructure work was something that was not considered prosaic but awe-inspiring, with newsreels of ladies cutting ribbons and little girls in white carrying baskets of flowers across new spans..."

“...As one commentator in the film put it, engineers at that time were “rock stars,” and the elegant, multilingual, cosmopolitan Modjeski was in his element..."

"...a loving and beautiful tribute to the master bridge designer...It was a pleasure to speak about music, structure, and engineering and how they inter-relate in the segment on Music and Bridge Structures.  And even more so to play and show MuSA.RT analyses of Chopin's Nocturne Op. 48 No. 1 in C minor..."

"Discover how an impassioned European immigrant and influential 20th century bridge designer contributed to the building of a modern America. Riveting stories about spectacular 20th century bridges, such as the controversial SF-Oakland Bay Bridge, the monumental Ben Franklin in Philadelphia, and the catastrophic construction and reconstruction of the Quebec Bridge, pivotal in engineering history."

"This outstanding film about a visionary engineer and America's bridges could not have come at a better time, showing as it does the importance of infrastructure to a nation's economy, culture, and sense of self-worth."

Henry Petroski, Duke University Professor and Author of ENGINEERS OF DREAMS